Monday 16 December 2013

Forest gump- a promice to bubba

In this clip sound like music is used to create different moods.  At the beginning of the clip you can hear cherfull music that the children are listening to then when forrest is paying his respects to bubba the music changes to a slow and quiet  instramental peice that would make he audence feel upset because of bubbas death. there is aso another good example of music that went with a part of the clip and that was when forrest was on the shrimping boat, this would make the audence feel happy that forest has the boat.

the use of foley is also used threwout the clip in every part of the film. an example of this would be the paper that forrest takes out of his pocket you can heare the rustling of the paper this would have had to be recreated during production. while forrest is shrimping he only catches a few shrimp and a lot of metal scraps of metal the clanging sound of the metal proves this to the audence.

the dark knight rises- bane backgate prision speech

in this clip sound is used to make bane appere more sinister by adding in a sinister instamental peice. the music is non diagetic as the charichters would not be able to here it. this peice is used threwought the whole clip it is to create the effect that the speech is bad because of its nature.
foley is used in the clip to create the sounds that is from the gun on the armored car. the sound would have ben made by industrial matcheenery. the clip had men banging against metal bars at a prison. the sound of an exploshion would have been made by colecting an existing sound or by making a small exploshion and makeing it louder by editing it.

Monday 7 October 2013

there are many different sounds that are in tv shows and movies the sounds that you can see the sorce is called a diagetic sound. a diagetic sound is when you can see the source of the sound for example you see a gun and see it firering the sound will be diagetic. if you heare a sound and it is no diagetic it meanes that you can hear the soud but you cant see the source a  good example of this would be one of morgan freemans narration's eg in the bucket list when he meets jack nickleson character in the hospital room.

a non diagetic sound can be a sound like an exploshion off screen or a pencil dropping on the floor. diagetic nd non diajetic sounds are very important. non diagetic sound is when there is a narration or a sound track that the character is not aware of as it is not in there world. a example of this would be in jaws when the shark is about to attack there is the soundtrack that cause  tension but the characters are not aware of this. 

to make the sounds there are people called foley artists. itis there job to re create sounds in a film that was lost because of the dialog in the film. they recreate sound by useing the same or similer props that where used in the film. to make sounds like a sowd being drawn a foly artist could use a sord and a spatula and sliding them toether. for a horse galoping they would use fore coconuts on the disiered surfae.

foley artsts also use a seres of props that have been gathered over there carrear the props that they could have could be scraps of metal or ld shoes. they wold use the sounds that these objects make. all films use foley artists a famious sound that was created for a film was in jurassic park the soud was the high pitched vilosoraptor noise. it was created by a matimg call that dolfins use they then edited the sound a bit to make it sound more terrifying.

in  the ending scene in sindlers list shindler is given the ring that his workers made for im a foley artist would have reorded a sound of dropping  ring  they would have also reorded the sound of shindler going to the ground while he was crying. they would have created that sound by sliding some shoes in gravil land kneling in gravil.

another good example is in shawshank redemption when andy is cralling threw the tunnle that he made they may haved used cloting sliding against loose concreat .in the film terminaor jugment day in the "astal la vista baby" scene they would have recorded a gun shot and smashed some plates.

to be a foley artist takes a lot of skill as it requires a lot of good timing and co-ordination. while recording the sounds they need to make sure that the area they are in is completely silent so not to ruin the sounds. a foley artist has got one of the most important job and one of the most difficult jobs in the film industry.

in cartoons and stop motion foley artists are very important as they create the only sounds that can be used. a good example is Wallace and grommet as they need to add the sound of the machines that they use.

foley can prevent copyright as it is all made pasificly for the film or tv show. because of this no one can placce charges for illegaly  using existing sounds.